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창작 영어연극대본 Family in Harmony

by 예술융합영어디렉터 2013. 11. 20.

Family in Harmony




< CAST >
Daughter-in law. Son. Son-in-law. Mother. Daughter. Father


(In the living room on Sunday morning,
the husband is sweeping the floor.)
Daughter-in-law : Honey, Today is Sunday, so I want to watch movie. There's a good one playing in Cinema Town. I'll look it up in the saper. How about you? Let's have a simple a breakfast go out . Hurry!

Son : Do you really want to watch a movie? I would rather stay at home and watch the basketball game. The finals are on TV at two o'clock.

Daughter-in-law : OK. First, we'll watch TV and then go to the movies in the evening.

Son : That's great!!

(The doorbell rings.)

Daughter-in-law : I'm coming. Who is it?

(Daughter-in-law open the door. Father and mother appear.)

Mother : It's me, your mother. Hello, everyone!
I missed you so much. I came to spend sometime
with you.

( Surprised, husband hides his rags)

Son : Come in. What's up?

Father : I know it is too early, but your mom always has been eager to see you and do some sightseeing here in Seoul.

Mother : By the way, what the hell do you have in your hand?
