교육연극16 교육연극 영어교육 예술융합영어체험을 실시한 인천구월초등학교 영어캠프 교육연극활동을 소개 2020. 9. 5. 과정중심 교육연극 교재 안내 2017. 4. 24. [스크랩] 2016년 초등중등 영어연극대회와 페스티벌을 도와드립니다 2010년 초등학교 중학교 영어연극대회및 다양한 축제를 준비하는 학부모님과 선생님들을 위해 본 영어연극연구소에서 영어연극 대회를 위한 대본, 음향, 의상, 분장 뿐 만 아니라 영어교육을 책임집니다. 1. 영어연극교육 최소 6회(매시간2~3시간)를 기준으로합니다. 2. 축.. 2010. 9. 15. 영어연극예술교육연구소 유치원 초등학생 영어연극 영어뮤지컬 동아리 교과기반 예술융합영어교실 창의적인 드라마 란? 영어연극예술교육연구소 유치원 초등학생 영어연극 영어뮤지컬 동아리 교과기반 예술융합영어교실 창의적인 드라마 란? www.aieschool.co.kr 여러분의 방문을 환영합니다. www.aieschool.co.kr 2006. 9. 8. 교육장면사진 Holly and Gretel A modern twist on the classic German folktale,Hansel and Gretel A.E. Holly B.L. Gretel C.M. Wicked witch M.P. Narrator A.D. Dad M.T. Step Mom N.A. Gremlin M.S. Cashier Cindy Rella A fresh take on the ever popular fairy tale, Cinderella A.J. Cindy(maid) L.T. Cindy(prom) K.K. Jason S.K. Jessica (evil sis) T.M. Kris (evil sis) A.C. Fairy Godmother S.W. Alex E.B. Mike Wizard of Odd .. 2005. 6. 25. Glossary of Theater Terms Glossary of Theater Terms After you read and study these terms, look for the fun activities located at the bottomof this page! Acoustics : How sound moves in a room depends on its size and shape and the amount and position of sound-absorbing and reflecting material. Acting area :The area within the performance space where the actor moves in full view of the audience. Aisle : A passage through t.. 2005. 6. 23. Creative dramatics Resources for You and Your Teacher! Creative dramatics is not limited to staged, formal plays. You can gain so much more from your regular school subjects if you make learning come alive using creative dramatics! We all have different ways in which we learn. By actually "doing" what it is we are to learn, we retain more information about that particular subject. You learn to listen more careful.. 2005. 6. 23. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Full-length and "School Play" versions available. A clever, entertaining and fast paced dramatization based upon the timeless and exciting L. Frank Baum classic adventure story of young Dorothy who finds herself lost in the strange and magical Land of Oz. As few as eight actors (4 women, 4 men) can play the 20 plus principal characters (or as we discovered in premier.. 2005. 6. 23. Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland - A charmingly clever and imaginatively selective dramatization of Lewis Carroll's two classics. 2 Acts. 21 major characters; can be performed with as few as 12 actors. Many roles can be played by men or women. Note: Script designed so 2 roles can be eliminated, reducing minimum cast size to 10. Cast size also easily expandable. Setting: requires only simple, colorful, portab.. 2005. 6. 23. The Adventures of Robin Hood The Adventures of Robin Hood - A delightfully fun filled, clever telling of the famous legends and ballads. Two Acts. Although originally written for nine actors; 3 women, 6 men, the cast size is easily expandable and the play benefits a great deal from a larger group in the cast (a larger band of Merry Persons is more fun for all!). (The largest cast size for this play (so far) has been 80! Th.. 2005. 6. 23. 연극을통한교육과 목적 For Educators: T3 Programs Teaching Through Theater (T3)Program Objectives T3 (Teaching Through Theater) is based on the concept of drama as an educational tool. In this interdisciplinary program, actor/educators develop situations that are based on a topic pre-selected by the classroom teachers. The students and teachers are then guided by the actor/educators to explore the issues, events and .. 2005. 6. 23. Theater English Traning Center Theater English Traning Center First Stage Theaterr English Traning Center teaches "life skills through stage skills." Founded by First Stage Children's Theater in 1996, the Academy uses professional theater training to teach young people some of the most important skills they will ever develop: self-esteem personal responsibility respect for others integrity focus self-discipline teamwork comm.. 2005. 6. 23. 연극의 정의와 요소 연극의 정의와 요소 1. 연극의 정의와 요소 연극이란 : 무대미술 조명 음악등의 도움을 받아 배우의 연기에 의해서 희곡을 무대위에 형상화시킨 공연예술분야 희곡이란 : 무대상연을 전제로한 글. 인간의 정서반응을 대화체로 서술한 문학의 한 장르 ex) lese darm : 읽는 것을 목적으로 한 희곡 1, 희곡 ㉮ .. 2005. 6. 21. 박설공주 캐릭터를 교육에 활용해보세요 This is clipart for your page. You can use any of these images, all I ask is that you save all the images to your own server and not steal it from me. Thanks and Enjoy! Snow White Bashful Doc Dopey Grumpy Happy Sleepy Sneezy The Evil Queen/Witch Group Pictures 2005. 6. 17. [스크랩] 교육연출의 기본설계 B.교육연출의 기본 설계 : 희곡의 Source를 통해 교육 목적을 이뤄내기 위해 어떠한 선택과 방향을 설정해야하는지를 결정하는 단계이다. ❶희곡의 이해와 분석(Source하는 단계) : 1)첫 인상 정리 2)이야기 줄거리 정리 3)목표설정 4)장면의 분석(장면나누기/장면 목표 찾기) 5)대사분석 6)희곡의구조.. 2005. 6. 1. 이전 1 2 다음