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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

by 예술융합영어디렉터 2005. 6. 23.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Full-length and "School Play" versions available. A clever, entertaining and fast paced dramatization based upon the timeless and exciting L. Frank Baum classic adventure story of young Dorothy who finds herself lost in the strange and magical Land of Oz. As few as eight actors (4 women, 4 men) can play the 20 plus principal characters (or as we discovered in premiere - a woman can play the Wizard! Cast size is easily expandable to 30, 40+ or more. Settings are multiple implied areas (suggestions are in the script). Costumes are "realistic" for Kansas, but otherwise fantastical. The full-length version is suitable for all groups from Middle School to professional. Two Acts. Approximate Playing Time: 75 minutes.
NOTE: Suggested Playing Time is a maximum estimation based on a full-scale production with musical augmentation, set changes and extensive audience reactions. Your own playing time may be shorter.

"School Play" or abridged version: Are you a Middle School or Junior High who needs a more compact version of this popular play? We have an abridged version of this script available for school groups who prefer a shorter performance time. Can be performed with or without an intermission. Playing time approximately 60 minutes.

THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Cast - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)Expanding the cast: We are constantly amazed by the many ways creative directors and teachers find to further expand the already generous cast size of this play. It's not at all unusual for school groups to use 30 or 40 or even as many as 70+ performers. A school in Florida, to cite just one example, added more farmers to the Kansas opening, increased the number of Munchkins, added soldiers and guards in the city of Oz, used an entire field of "live" poppies, added more assistants for the Witch of the West, and even used dancers! Some groups have double-cast the principals, which is another option, and others have opted to add in a corps of flying monkeys and more THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Four Main Characters - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)"Wizardly" staff members. The possibilities are endless. We hope you'll share your ideas with us so we can pass them along to others.

Professional Touring Groups: We have a version of this script suitable for touring (abbreviated cast size and format). If interested please inquire for details.

(When ordering please specify whether you
want the original full-length version or the abridged
"School Play" version.)

THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Live Production Photo - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)There are of course, other variations of this story in "dramatic" format. Many of these versions call for huge casts, and ambitiously attempt to encompass too many elements of the wonderful story. Rather than allow Dorothy to wander aimlessly through ALL of the many twists and turns in Baum's Oz, this version focuses primarily on the major characters; their hopes, bravery, disappointments, successes, and avoids the confusion of THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Live Production Photo - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)introducing lots of brand new characters for a one scene only" effect. Oh, yes, the Munchkins are there, but the flying monkeys are not.

In Act II, the Witch is featured more than she was in the MGM film; but this is because the audience loves the Witch! Our witch has two little sidekicks who rival the monkeys for greed, but are not as scary. This script also portrays Dorothy not so much as a poor little homesick child, THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Live Production Photo - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)but more as a child who is curious about life, and interested in learning about friendship, loyalty and self esteem. It's still the same story, but with a bit more courage, brains and heart!

The settings can be as simple or elaborate as budget dictates. The script is designed so that eight actors can play all the roles ("doubling" design is explained in the script), but is also designed so that the cast can easily be expanded to THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Live Production Photo - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)include a greater number of performers if desired.

Young Dorothy Gale finds herself whisked away to the magical Land of Oz by a Kansas cyclone. How will she ever find her way home? Wearing the magic ruby slippers, and under the kindly protection of the Good Witch of the North, Dorothy sets out to ask the Wonderful Wizard for advice. on the way, she finds both adventure and friends; the Cowardly Lion who thinks he needs courage, the Scarecrow who thinks he needs brains, and the sentimental Tin Woodsman THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Live Production Photo - Classics on Stage! (Chicago)who desperately yearns for a warm heart.

During her journey Dorothy also encounters a few obstacles, one of which is the dreaded Wicked Witch of the West! The plot thickens when Dorothy and her three friends agree to help the Wizard foil the Witch of West in exchange for brains, courage, a new heart, and a trip home to Kansas.

THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Ascension Catholic School, Melbourne FL THE WONDERFUL WIZARD of OZ - Ascension Catholic School, Melbourne FLAfter another long journey and further adventures Dorothy and her friends boldly and bravely succeed in their mission by drawing upon their own resources. In doing so they triumphantly find the courage, the brains, the heart and the home for which they have been searching.

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