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연극을통한교육과 목적

by 예술융합영어디렉터 2005. 6. 23.
For Educators: T3 Programs

Teaching Through Theater (T3) Program Objectives

T3 (Teaching Through Theater) is based on the concept of drama as an educational tool. In this interdisciplinary program, actor/educators develop situations that are based on a topic pre-selected by the classroom teachers. The students and teachers are then guided by the actor/educators to explore the issues, events and relationships contained in these situations using elements of theater. T3 programs are a tremendous aid in enhancing the students' understanding of curriculum topics.

Each T3 program is a five-day lesson that varies in length depending on the grade level for which the program is designed. Supplied with the week long lesson plan, the classroom teacher will be joined by First Stage actor/educators on the second and fourth day of the program to create the drama of the T3 in the classroom.

The overall objectives of the T3 program include:
  • Promote a growth of understanding or insight on the material
  • Develop critical thinking skills
  • Promote self-esteem
  • Enhance cooperative learning skills
  • Strengthen communication skills and self-discipline

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