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The old good man
The old man's wife
The old ill-natured man
Lady1, 2, 3
Bird 1, 2, 3, 4
Scene 1
( The old good man' wife is sweeping the yard. The birds are singing.)
( song )
A good old man and his wife.
They are kind and nice.
So all the people like them,
and love them so much.
They are always kind and nice.
They are kind and nice.
A good old man and his wife.
They are kind and nice.
Wife: (looking outside the fence) It's almost time for him to come....
( The old good man holding the '지게(Jiggae)' on his back appears.)
Good man: Honey, I'm home.
Wife: Are you already home?
Good man: Yes. I sold up all the firewood in the market.
Wife: You did a good job! Why don't you wash your hands? Dinner is ready.
Good man: OK.
( Then their neighbor, an old and ill-natured man, appears.)
Ill-natured man: Hi. How are you?
Good man: Welcome. We're fine. Thank you. How are you doing?
Ill-natured man: So, so. Who knows my loneliness? (smiling) By the way did you hear Mr. Kim , my neighbor, fell down and broke his leg? Ha, ha, ha. He deserves it. It's funny, isn't it? It's really funny.
Good man: Oh! Poor Mr. Kim! He must be in trouble.
Ill-natured man: No way! The other day, he made fun of me as a mean person. You know how cool I felt when I heard it? (satisfied with something) Well, I'd better go. Good bye!
(The man disappears. The old good man's wife appears holding the water jar.)
Wife: Was Mr. Kim hurt? Poor Guy! He should have been careful.
Good man: You're right. By the way, why is he so strange like that? For that reason none of the villagers like him.
(Then a woman holding her baby on her back appears)
Lady3: Excuse me, ma'am. May I have some water, please?
Wife: Sure. Wait a minute.
Good man: What a cute baby!( smile at her baby)
Lady3: Thank you. You like the baby. How many children do you have?
Good man: We have no child.
Lady3: Oh, sorry, I didn't know that.
Good man: That's ok.
Wife: Here you are. (The old man and his wife are pleased at the baby.)
Your baby is so cute. You're always so happy.
Lady3: It's very kind of you. Thank you very much.
Wife: It's my pleasure.
(The woman disappears.)
Wife: It's such a cute baby, isn't it?
Good man: It sure is. I wish we had a baby like him.
Wife: I think so. (sigh) Come on, why don't we have dinner?
Scene 2
(On one side of the stage the ill-natured man and on the other side the ladies.)
Lady1: Hi. Where are you going?
Lady2: Hi. I'm going to the Min-su's house.
Lady1: Minsu?
Lady2: He's my son's friend.
Lady1: How's your son?
Lady2: He's very well. He got the first prize at English speech contest.
Lady1: Wow! Great! Congratulations!
Lady2: Thanks. Oh, there's the man!
Lady1: Do you know him? That guy is very very strange.
Lady2: Yeah. You're right. The other day when I was holding up the water jar on my head, he threw the stone to me.
(Then the ill-natured man recognizes what are talking, he gets near them and shouts.)
Ill-natured man (shouting)
L1&2 "엄마야"
L1&2 What a villain!
( The man laughs loudly and walks brisky. on the side the good man appears.) Ill-natured man : Hi. How are you?
Good man: Not bad.
Ill-natured man : You're going up to the mountain, aren't you?
Good man: Yes, you're right.
Ill-natured man : Then don't too much work. Bye. (He push the good man.)
Good man: Auch! What a bad guy!
(He is going up to the mountain. Then he finds a pretty bird.)
Good man: What a pretty bird. Hey, where are you going? Come on, come with me. (chasing it)
Good man: Oh! Now I'm too thirsty. (looking around) Oh! Water is over there. (drinks water) Wow, it's cool. (taking some rest under the tree) I'll take some rest. (yawning)It's so strange. I'm too sleepy.
(After a monent the birds' song is heard.)
Wake up, wake up.
The sun was gone.
Hurry up, hurry up.
The moon is up.
Let's go home.
Let's go home.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
Let's go home.
Good man: (wakes up and surpised) Oh! No! I slept here! My honey must be waiting for me all day. I should hurry up.
(He hurries and goes down the mountain.)
여러분의 방문을 환영합니다.
여러분의 방문을 환영합니다.
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