영어연극에술교육연구소 제공
여러분의 방문을 환영합니다.
Sister Sun and Brother Moon
Characters : Son(Brother Moon)
Daughter(Sister Sun)
N : Hello! everyone. We have 5,000 years of history. We, Koreans have struggled innumerably against overwhelming adversity to preserve our national and cultural identity. Really, few nations on earth have had to endure so much for so long and yet still persevere. A penetrating insight into the Korean character can be found in the timeless folk stories and fairy tales of Korea. Often humorous, but never lacking in wisdom or courage, these stories were handed down from grandparents to grandchildren for thousands of years. Still told and retold today, these stories can rightly be regarded as the heart of Korea's 5,000 year-old culture. This story is one of them, too.
Today we are going to learn and feel again that we are Korean throughout this story. Now, here we go.
Long long time ago, a widow lived with her young son and a daughter in a remote mountain village. Ever since her husband died, she made a meager living by working in a village below the mountain.
Chorus: Who lived there?
Mother, her son and daughter.
Mother, her son and daughter.
(At home)
M : Good-bye, my babies. Take good care of yourselves untill I come back.
Son and Daughter : Yes, Mom. Don't worry at all.
M : And never open the door until you make sure it's safe.
Son and Daughter : Don't worry, Mom, and bring much dilicious things. Have a good day.
(Son and Daughter are playing in the yard)
(It's getting dark)
D : Why hasn't Mom come home yet? Why is mother so late? I'm really getting very hungry and scared.
S : Bear it a little longer. And don't worry. She'll be home very soon. Just a little wait.
N : Mother finishes her job and hurries back home. But it is already dark.
M : (puts the basket of rice cakes on her head and started to walk home quickly)
My kids are waiting for me. It's so late. Are they playing well? What if something happens to them?
(Suddenly a ferocious tiger jumps out in front of her with a terrifying roar.)
T : (with a threatening look) O-hung(Grrrr)! What is it in the basket?
M : (startled and cared) Ri. ri... ri...ce, ...... ri...ce.... rice cakes.
T : (greedily and threateningly) Give me one and I will you go.
M : Oh, my god! Yeah, yea....h. He... he... here you are.
(Mother throws the rice cake and the tiger takes it and swallows the rice cake whole and races ahead of her)
T : (in a strong voice) O-hung(Grrrr)! It's very very delicious! Give me another, and I won't eat you.
M : Oh please, these are for my children. Let me go.
Chorus : These are for my children,
these are for my children.
Let me go.
Let me go.
T : (again smacking his lips in anticipation) O-hung(Grrrr)! If you give me one more, I won't eat you up.
M : Mr. Tiger, there is not a bit of rice cake left. Help me!
T : (growling) I'm very very hungry. Then I will eat you up.
M : Mr. Tiger, don't kill me. Please let me go home. I have two children. They are waiting for me. Please, please, please help me.
T : (after eating her up) I'm still hungry. Is there any way to get more food?
(lies down on his stomach, thinks over) Right! That's it. That's right. The children at home! I'll go there quickly, and them my dinner. And if I put on her clothes, maybe children will mistake me for their Mom.
N : It's getting darker and darker. But mother still hasn't come home. The children are more and more worried.
D : Why is Mom so late? It's very strange. And I'm so scared!
S : Calm down, my little sister! Mom must have lots of something to eat.
D : (holds her hungry stomach) Do you think she'll bring many dilicious things?
S : (Holds his hungry stomach, too) Of course, let's wait a little longer and let's sing!
(They are singing)
(at that moment they hear footsteps outside door.)
T : (disguises himself as the mother puts on her clothes and scarf) My dear children, Mom is here. Open the door right now. It's your mom!
D : Oh! It's mother! (She is up in a flash to open the door.) Mom is here. She is very late.
S : (grabs the door nob) Wait! That doesn't sound like mom's voice. Your voice isn't my Mom's.
T : (imitates the Mom's voice) I've got a cold from working outside in this cold weather all day and I have a frog in my throat. So I'm hoarse
D : Open the door quickly! Mom said she caught a cold.
S : Can you show me your eye through the hole in the door. After I make sure it's my mother's eye, I'll open the door.
(Tigher puts his eye to the hole)
S : (frightened) That's not my mother's eye. Her eye is not as red as yours.
T : When I was grinding red pepper, the powder got into my eyes.
S : (hesitates and shouts) Show me your hand!
(Reluctantly a huge, shaggy, yellow paw pushes through the door crack(paper window))
D : (seeing the hairy paw and long claws, gasps in fear) Oh! That's not my Mom's hand. She doesn't have any on her hand. Mom! what happened to your hand?
T : I worked very hard all day to support both of you. My hands got very rough. Now, quickly open the door. I am very tired.
(Brother and Sister reluctantly opens the door to let the tiger into the house because they are obedient children, as all of children should be)
D : Mom! I'm so hungry
T : (goes straight to the kitchen) Are you hungry? I'll quickly make dinner. Be a little patient. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.
S : Something is wrong. If she is our mother, she would have come into the room first.
(Brother, who is still suspicious, tiptoed up to the kitchen door, peeked in and see the tiger's long bushy tail sticking out of the skirt.)
S : (surprised) Oh my goodness! That's not my Mom. That's a tiger! It's so dangerous. We have to run away!
N : The son grabs his sister and escape through the back door into the backyard and climb up a tall gingko tree next to the house and hides themselves among the branches.
Chorus: Run away, run away.
Climb up the big tree.
Climb up the gingko tree.
T : (in the kitchen, is busy trying to make up his mind.) Should I eat the boy first, or the girl? (undecided, peeks into the room) Where did you go? Those sneaky little devils, you won't get away from me.
(searches all over the room) You ran away. I should have eaten them earlier. (loudly) Children! where are you? It's time for dinner. I have dilicious rice cakes. Come and get some.
(tries to find the children) Where are you hiding? (Very angry and breaks the door) Where did my meal go? Do you go up to heaven or does the ground swallow them up?
(Looks around continuously) Ah-ha! There is a big tree over there. You're hiding in the tree.
D : (frightened) Look there! The tiger is coming for us! What shall we do?
S : Calm down and be patient.
T : (puts his front paws in the tree) Come down here or I will come up there.
(tries and tries but slid back down the tree again and again)
D : Brother, look at that. The tiger fell down again. (laughing) No matter how hard you may try, even if you try all night, you will never get up here, you, foolish tiger!
T : (angry) I'll climb up there. You wait and see. How did you get up in the tree?
S : (teasing) Foolish tiger, you keep sliding down because you don't use anything to help you climb. We put sesame oil on our hands.
T : That's the way you climbed up so easily.
(rushes into the kitchen and puts oil all paws and tries to climbe the tree, but slid again) Ouch!
D : He's really stupid. Oil makes it more slippery. It's really easy. Climbing with an ax makes it easier.
( Hearing this, Tiger gets an ax and comes back tree.)
S : Oh, no! You just gave him our secret.
D : (crying) What are we going to do?
S : We are in really big trouble. We don't have any to get out of it.
(Tiger gets closer and closer)
S : Oh no! (praying) Please God, if you can save us, send down a golden rope.
D and S : Oh God, please! Please help us! Please send us a rope!
Chorus: Oh, God!
Please, send us a rope. Send us a golden rope.
(A golden rope drops gently down from the sky)
T : (watching the children disappearing into the sky, lets out an earthquaking roar. and calls out rudely)
God! Send me a rope too!
(A second rope drops gently down. but the tiger doesn't know the rotten rope)
T : Ha-ha- ha! Wu-ha-ha. Wait for me! Here I come!
N : But the rope is rotten. When the Tiger is half way up the rope, it breaks and he falls to the ground. The evil Tiger lands head first in a broom corn field and was killed. And to this day, broom corn is streaked with red from the tiger's blood. But the son and daughter keep going up and up. In heaven, they become the Sun and the Moon
Chorus : They are in the sky.
The daughter becomes the sun.
The son becomes the moon.
Look at the sun.
Look at the moon.
They are always happy in the sky.
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