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  • 창의예술융합영어교육연구소


Science Get Your "Hands" on Science Taylor’s science teachers are committed to offering our students a hands-on science program. We encourage all students to develop their scientific knowledge and skills in a way that is relevant to students’ lives and is fun. We use laboratories and activities as our primary teaching method to provide students with the experiences neede to meet the California Scien.. 2005. 6. 25.
가정교육대체에 의한 온라인 드라마클레스 Home Education ExchangeDrama Class OutlineInstructor: Mrs. Julie Gleason The goals of this class are to... Teach 7 basics of drama performance/public speaking: Body ControlMovementEye contactProjection DictionCharacterizationOwnership of lines. Use student involvement rather than lecture to do so. Use Fairy Tales and Children's stories to teach utilization of basics, and understanding of.. 2005. 6. 25.
What is Creative Drama? What is Creative Drama? There are many opinions on what creative drama is and should be, and my definition here should is just one. In essence, creative drama is dramatic activities which have the experience of the participants as the goal. This differs from theatre classes in which preparation for a performance is the objective. Creative drama is usually reserved for children four to nine year.. 2005. 6. 25.
No, You Can't Take Me!(교습법참고) No, You Can't Take Me!This game teaches confidence, pantomime, and critical thinking. It's also a lot of fun. I have used it with children from Kindergarten to Middle School - obviously with varying levels of sophistication. It looks more complicated than it is - I've never had trouble making my students understand it. I didn't make this up, although I suspect I have made changes in it. I have u.. 2005. 6. 25.
Plays - Method And Structure Plays - Method And Structure SO far we have considered the material of the dramatist, his theme and subject matter, and his attitude toward it. But his method in conceiving this material and of handling it is of great importance and we may now examine this a little in detail, to realize the peculiar problem that confronts him. At the beginning let it be understood that the dramatist must see hi.. 2005. 6. 25.
Plays, A Cultural Opportunity(문화적인접근기회) Plays, A Cultural Opportunity (CERTAIN remarks at the close of the preceding chapter hint at what is in mind in giving a title to the present one. The play, this democratic mode of story telling, attracting vast numbers of hearers and universally popular because man is ever avid of amusement and turns hungrily to such a medium as the theater to satisfy a deeply implanted instinct for pleasure, .. 2005. 6. 24.
배설공주노래를 Pick your favorite song and you can sing along with these MIDI files. If you need the song lyrics, try the Music Room 2005. 6. 23.
2022년 초등영어교사 줌원격 연계 다문화교육 세계시민교육연수를 위한 예술융합영어교수법 직무연수 2022년 초등영어교사 줌원격 연계 다문화교육연수를 위한 예술융합영어교수법 직무연수 www.aieschool.co.kr 여러분의 방문을 환영합니다. www.aieschool.co.kr 2005. 6. 17.
영어연극 영어뮤지컬 백설공주 교수법 영어연극예술교육연구소www.aieschool.co.krKay E. Vandergrift This Snow White resource is designed to incorporate many pieces of information about this tale and to encourage different users to explore alternative paths for their own teaching and learning. Both adults and young people interested in children's literature, folklore, cultural studies or illustration will find many opportunities to pursue those i.. 2005. 6. 17.
농어촌 작은학교로 찾아가는 영어연극 영어뮤지컬 예술융합영어교육 드라마기법에의한 의사소통능력신장 www.aieschool.co.kr 드라마 기법 활용을 통한 의사소통능력 신장(3) 서울 덕원여자고등학교 교사 이 정 민 3) 즉흥극 (improvisation) 즉흥극은 사전의 준비 없이 주어진 상황 속에서 대화나 이야기를 즉석에서 구성하여 발화하게 하는 기법이다. 이는 갑자기 길거리에서 낯선 사람으로부터 길을 묻는 질문을 받았을 때, 길거리에서 기자로부터 어떤 사회 현상에 대해 질문을 받았을 때, 그때 그때의 상황에 적절하게 응답할 수 있는 즉석 대화 능력을 기르고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 활동을 통하여 학습자는 대화의 제한을 무너뜨리고 자신의 의도대로 대화의 길이와 넓이를 조절할 수 있다. ⒜ 활동 순서 ․교사는 갈등의 상황들을 담고 있는 role-cards를 준비한다. ․학생들로 하여금 쌍(pair.. 2005. 5. 18.