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가정교육대체에 의한 온라인 드라마클레스

by 예술융합영어디렉터 2005. 6. 25.

Home Education Exchange

Drama Class Outline

Instructor: Mrs. Julie Gleason

The goals of this class are to...

  • Teach 7 basics of drama performance/public speaking:
Body Control Movement Eye contact Projection
Diction Characterization Ownership of lines.
  • Use student involvement rather than lecture to do so.

  • Use Fairy Tales and Children's stories to teach utilization of basics, and understanding of story structure.

  • Have students use the fairy tales and stories, putting their own story on the framework and using the same moral or similar resolution.

  • Discuss how drama started and some of its uses.

  • Sample some different types of drama, such as: readers theatre, monologue, mime, comedy, musical, tragedy, etc.

  • Students write short plays.

  • Students will perform these and/or choose short plays to perform in class.

  • Selected performances will be repeated for Student Expos.

  • Time permitting, longer plays will be learned to perform with teacher or student direction.

Student Commitment or "Give Me Five"

  1. Students must be on time for all classes.

  2. Full involvement in class is mandatory.

  3. This class may require outside time for preparation or rehearsal.

  4. There will be no observers in class - if you come you must participate.

  5. If you commit to learning something, preparing something, being at an outside class rehearsal, etc. - you must fulfill your commitment as others in the class are counting on you

'교육메소드' 카테고리의 다른 글

Math  (0) 2005.06.25
Science  (0) 2005.06.25
What is Creative Drama?  (0) 2005.06.25
No, You Can't Take Me!(교습법참고)  (0) 2005.06.25
Plays - Method And Structure  (0) 2005.06.25
