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by 예술융합영어디렉터 2005. 6. 25.
Get Your "Hands" on Science

Taylor’s science teachers are committed to offering our students a hands-on science program. We encourage all students to develop their scientific knowledge and skills in a way that is relevant to students’ lives and is fun. We use laboratories and activities as our primary teaching method to provide students with the experiences neede to meet the California Science Content Standards.

Students at Taylor are offered half of a year of science at the sixth grade level and a full year at both the seventh and eighth grade levels.

6th Grade Science

The focus in sixth grade is Earth science. Students recieve instruction in science and physical education on alternate weeks. Students are rotated to the sixth grade science teachers every other week. The sixth grade science teachers each teach a different unit, focusing in a different content area of Earth science. The current units are drawn from the following content areas: plate tectoncis and Earth's structure, shaping the Earth's surface, Earth and life history, heat (thermal energy),and energy in the Earth system.


7th Grade Science

In alignment with the State of California Science Content Standards, the focus in the seventh grade is life science. Students study cell biology, genetics, biological evolution, structure and function in living systems, visible light and lenses, biomes and ecosystems. Students engage in a variety of hands-on laboratory activites as will as the use of computer technology to enhance the life science curriculum. Our resource text is Prentice Hall - Focus on Life Science.


8th Grade Science

The course of study is physical science. The major units taught are chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Chemistry focuses of the composition and properties of substances. Physics is the science dealing with the changes and interactions of matter and energy;the primary emphasis is on mechanics. Astronomy is the science of stars and other heavenly bodies; composition, motion, position and size are explored.
