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  • 창의예술융합영어교육연구소


[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프프로그램개요       2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프운영계획           2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프활동계획       2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 교재/교보재/교육장비사용계획       2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프교육과정         2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프일정표         2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프 드라마프로그램소개       2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프 이머전프로그램소개                 2010. 12. 14.
[스크랩] 영어연극예술캠프 입소식     2010. 12. 14.
Gold-Tree And Sliver-Tree 예술융합교육 전문기관 영어연극예술교육연구소 www.aieschool.co.kr Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree Scotland Once upon a time there was a king who had a wife, whose name was Silver-Tree, and a daughter, whose name was Gold-Tree. On a certain day of the days, Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree went to a glen, where there was a well, and in it there was a trout. Said Silver-T.. 2005. 6. 3.
영어연극대본 영어뮤지컬대본 "Keep the public order" Keep the public order -Koyote- (점심시간, 은영,세영,성민이 식권을 사기 위해 등장한다.) 은영:I'm so hungry. 세영:What shall we eat today? 성민:I want to eat curry! 은영:Curry? No, I hate it! 세영:How about 비빔밥? 은영:비빔밥? No, I don't like it. 성민:What do you want? 은영:Let me see...Um...I don't know. 세영:(짜증내며)You alw.. 2005. 5. 18.