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영어연극대본 금도끼 은도끼 Golden Ax & Silver Ax

by 예술융합영어디렉터 2014. 9. 25.



Golden Ax & Silver Ax (금도끼 은도끼)

Characters : Spirit, Woodcutter 1, Woodcutter 2

It is a hot summer's day. A Woodcutter is cutting wood in the forest.

Woodcutter 1 : It is very hot today. (He wipes his forehead.)
But I must cut more wood.
My mother is very sick.
I must buy her some medicine.

The Woodcutter is busy cutting wood. Suddenly, his ax slips from his hands and goes flying into a nearly pond.

Woodcutter 1 : Oh, No!
My ax fell into the pond!
That was my only ax!
I still have to cut more wood.
What shall I do?
My poor mother!

The Woodcutter sits near the pond and just stares into the water. Then he starts to cry.

Spirit : Young man, why are you crying?

Woodcutter 1 : My ax fell in the pond.
It was my only ax.
I can't get it out.

Spirit : You are crying because of an ax?

Woodcutter 1: No.
I am crying because of my mother.
I have to cut a lot of wood to buy my mother's medicine.
But without my ax, I can't cut any wood.

Spirit : Hmmm..............
Well then, I shell find your ax.
Just wait here.


AIE SCHOOL  영어연극예술교육연구소 제공



