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  • 창의예술융합영어교육연구소

영어연극대본 "해님과 달님"

by 예술융합영어디렉터 2013. 5. 30.

(The tiger swallows the rice cake whole and races ahead of her)

T : (In a strong voice)
O-hung(Grrrr)! It's very delicious! Give me some more rice cake, and I won't eat you.

M : Oh please, these are for my children. Let me go.

Chorus: Oh please, these are for my children, these are for my children. Let me go. Let me go.

T : O-hung(Grrrr)!

M : Help me!

N : It gets darker and darker. But mother still hasn't come home. The children are more and more worried.

D : What is keeping her? I'm so scared!

S : Calm down, my little sister! Oh! let's sing!



