The Turramurra Passion
By David Cornford
The Turramurra Passion is an interactive and slightly modern interpretation of the Passion Play tradition.
Based on The Message translation of Luke’s Gospel, the play has a traditional theological persepective. However, artistically, it is a contemporary and challenging work, that suits a younger audience, not one who wants to see a re-run of Stations of the Cross. It is a character based telling of the Easter story, rather than a historical one, and uses minimalistic sets and costumes, along with multi-media elements, to convey the story in a timeless way. There are 6 settings, inside and out, and the audience and the cast mingle in most scenes, so the audience participate in, rather than observe, the action.
The play lasts for 75 minutes, with no interval.
The play was written and first performed in 1999, and has been produced annually since in the weeks before Easter. For 2000 and 2001, there were 4 performances, then for 2002-2004 there were 7 performances each year (total 30 performances). The cast and crew largely attend Turramurra Uniting Church, while there are others who have joined in over the years from other churches.
More information, synopsis, Director’s notes and photographs are available at:
An edited video/DVD of the 2003 performance is available for artistic review. A 10 minute documentary about the play is currently in production. (ETA November 2004)
The Turramurra Passion team are keen to encourage others to embark on the journey of proclaiming the Easter story. We would love to share our journey and our vision. We would also be willing to share the full script with a church or drama group who wanted to produce the play. A small fee would be negotiated.
We would suggest, mainly for practical reasons, that if you want to adopt a more traditional artistic approach, you seek another script for source material.
The script for two of the seven scenes is attached.
Dave Cornford
September 2004.
The Turramurra Passion
Main Characters
Jesus the Nazarene
The Disciples: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Judas
Mary of Bethany
The Guide/Storyteller
(Male 9, Female 2)
Supporting Cast
Male 1: Bartemeus, Angel
Male 2: Owner, Gamaliel
Male 3: Priest 2, Thug 1, water man
Male 4: Zaccheus, Jack, Joseph of Arimethea
Male 5: Son. Mike, Thomas
Male 6: Thug 2
Female 1:. Widow, Farmer, Mary Magdelene, Kate
Female 2: Silome, ex- Leper, Farmer #1, Accuser Girl, Toni, Cleopas, Newsreader
The play has been written to be performed in a large church building complex, with a mix of modern and 100 year old architecture. The fact that the audience moves from place to place, including outside, is more important that the actual nature of the places used. The practical maximum audience for our setting is 150.
There is no formal “stage”, and little or no separation between the cast and audience.
The only costumes which would identify time and place are in Scene 6, and they are modern office attire.
Short Notes are included with script attached
Scene 1 - Introduction (John 3, various)
[Audience assembles in the Lounge/Hall. Limited seating for the infirm only. Lights are dim. Audience handed out programs. Muzak before hand. There are two bar stools together. There are two lounges with a coffee table in the middle].
[Guide . Cast are sitting or standing around in the crowd]
Guide: Good evening and welcome to season number seven of The Turramurra Passion. We’ll be moving around, inside and outside, and there is some seating at each location. If you are young and quick, please sit on the steps or on the ground close to the action, and leave the seats for other members of the audience who might need them. After the performance, refreshments will be on sale here in the lounge.
For those who may be unsure about what a Passion Play is, the play depicts the week before Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the events immediately afterwards.
We hope you will enjoy the Turramurra Passion Experience.
[Jesus sits at one of the stools. He is carrying a lit hurricane lamp, places on table][Nicodemus sneaks in, head covered][Nicodemus takes seat, removes head covering]
Nicodemus: Jesus, Rabbi, we can all see that you’re a teacher who’s come straight from God. No-one could do what you do without God - what you teach, the miracles. But I still can’t believe it’s possible!
Jesus: [tenderly] Nicodemus, take it from me, no-one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again.
Nicodemus: But how can anyone who has already grown up be born again? You can’t go back into your mother’s womb and be born again.
Jesus: You’re a great teacher of Israel and don't understand? Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. You must be born again of the Spirit to see the Kingdom. I have come from heaven with this heavenly message - the Son of Man must be lifted up, so everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
This is how much God loves the world. He gave up his one and only son. And this is why: so that no-one need be condemned - anyone can believe and have life for Eternity.
This is how things are: [Jesus picks up lamp] Light has come into the world, but people prefer darkness, because they prefer evil over good - and hate the light. But anyone working and living with the truth, welcomes the light - because the light will show that God is at work.
[Jesus hands Nicodemus the lamp, who takes it in left hand and shakes with right]
Nicodemus: Thank you, Jesus - but this isn’t an easy thing for either of us to carry.
Jesus: Yes, but remember the Light. Peace be with you, Nicodemus.
[Nicodemus leaves with lantern. Jesus moves to the lounges]
Guide: Tonight we will witness part of the life of Jesus the Nazarene. Since going public about three years ago, Jesus has been travelling and preaching and healing around Jerusalem and Galilee - along with a group of followers.
Peter: [stands, approaches lounges. Stands on coffee table?] My name is Simon. And now, he’s got everyone calling me Peter . Why was that again mate?
Jesus: It means The Rock. This is Simon Peter, son of John, and on this rock that I will build by church.
Peter: Anyway, I’m a fisherman - well, I used to be. I got involved with Jesus thanks to my brother Andrew, who had followed John the Baptist. We just dropped everything a bit over 2 years ago, and it’s been all go ever since.
You would not believe some of the things that have happened. Once, we were crossing the Sea of Galilee - well, it’s a big lake really - and this huge storm came up. Jesus was asleep, but the rest of us were panicking - the waves were breaking over the boat and we were going to go down. Anyway, we woke him up, and he just spoke to the storm, spoke to it: QUIET! BE STILL. The wind dropped out of the air and the waves just dissolved. We were just standing there like stunned mullets - and then he had a go at us for not having enough faith. I don’t think we really understood who he was at that stage - even when I did tell him I thought he was the Messiah, he told me to keep it quiet. [Peter sits in lounge]
Andrew: [Stands, approaches lounge] I’m Andrew, Peter’s brother,[puts hand on Peter’s shoulder from behind] we’re from Capernaum and I’m a fisherman as well. We’ve been on the road with Jesus all this time, and where he is, something special is happening. It was winter last year. Jesus had crossed the lake to have some quiet time alone, but the crowds kept following him, waiting to see a miracle or be healed. We ended up in the middle of nowhere late in the afternoon, and there were 5,000 people, and no food - all I could find was a kid with 5 bread rolls and a couple of fish. But Jesus prayed, and told us to go ahead anyway, and somehow there was enough - more than enough, there were over 12 baskets of leftovers. When people realised what had happened they got even more excited about Jesus, thought he was going to be the new King. Jesus had other ideas, and went up into the mountains to be alone, to pray like he often does. [Sits with them, with Salome]
John. [Stands with James.] My name is John, and this is my brother James - we’re fishermen from Bethsaida.
James: Jesus calls us “The Sons of Thunder” - partly because of our dad Zebedee, but mostly because we’re a bit over the top sometimes.
Peter [interjects, good humouredly] Sometimes? Sons of Blunder more like.
James: [to Peter] Look who’s talking. [to the audience] I remember the day we decided to follow Jesus like it was yesterday. We’d been fishing all night, and hadn’t caught a thing - we’d practically dredged the whole lake - we were exhausted. Jesus came along followed by a crowd. He asked Peter to put his boat out a bit so he had room to sit and the speak to the crowd. After a while, he got Peter to head out into deep water, and throw the nets out again. I mean, you should have heard Peter going on…
Peter: Yeah, righto. I just pointed out that we’d been fishing all night without catching anything.
John: I think you said “Everyone knows you don’t catch fish in the day time”.
Peter: But I did say that because he said so, we’d do it.
James: [sarcastically] You were pretty enthusiastic. [on the move] Anyway, by the time we got out there in our boat, Peter’s was about to sink under the weight of the fish they’d caught - the water was at the gunnels of our boat as well by the time we had the nets in. Peter was freaking out and told Jesus to leave us alone . [James sits]
John: But Jesus told us that from then on we’d fish for people - he’s always saying these strange things. [on the move] Anyway, we left the boats, and the nets, and joined him on the road. He’s kept saying weird things - He’s confided in us more than once that he will be betrayed and killed - and then raise from the dead. We don’t know what to make of it - it freaks me out sometimes . . .
Anyway, we’re on our way down to Jerusalem [Speaks as an aside] I have no idea why, Jesus just has this idea in his head - I thought he’d listen to me if no-one else - it could be SO dangerous for him there. [They sit, chum up with Jesus][Mary M joins the group, exchanges holy kiss with Jesus, but doesn’t speak]
Judas: [Stands, followed by Mary B] My name is Judas, and I’m from a town down south, where I was involved in a group of freedom fighters. But I’ve left them, and I’m following Jesus. It’s my job to carry the money around for us - we seem to always get by, but there’s never very much. We’ve been up north, and travelled down the east bank, then crossed over the Jordan to Jericho - stayed there a while. [Livens up a bit, sits with the rest] But this next week in Jerusalem will be a bit more lively though, with Passover and the place full of pilgrims - lots of people to hear Jesus and get involved with the cause. The Kingdom of God is getting closer - and so is our freedom from the Romans.
Mary B: My name is Mary. My sister Martha and brother Lazarus and I are from Bethany, and we’re part of the group that’s closest to Jesus.
Martha and I sent word to Jesus once to ask him to heal our brother, who seemed so sick he was near death. But Jesus didn’t come straight away, and we were panic stricken. When Jesus finally arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days. Martha met him and called me out to see him. I said “Lord if you had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.” We took him to the tomb, and when he told someone to take the stone away, good ol’ Martha was worried about the smell. But Jesus prayed, and shouted “Lazarus, come out!” - and we stood and watched as Lazarus walked out, still in the grave clothes we’d wrapped him in. Some of the crowd went and told the religious leaders, who as usual were hard to impress. But many who witnessed it believed in Jesus, and have joined us - the crowds just keep growing. And now as we are about to enter Jerusalem, we’ve heard there are even more people ready to hear Him. They’re ready to wave palm branches - they’re a national symbol of Jewish freedom from the time of the Macabean revolt. It is going to be a big day.
Caiaphas: [Stands, apart] My name is Caiaphas, and I’m the High Priest in Jerusalem this year. It’s my job to make the important sacrifices in the Temple on behalf of the people. Tradition states that you only hold this position for one year, but the Roman occupation has changed everything. I’ve made a few friends among our beloved Roman overlords, and I think we’ll be able to cut a deal so I can stay High Priest for a few years more.
Now, I get reports from my contacts all over Judea and Galillee. So I’ve heard a lot about this rabble - this filthy bunch of Galileans - and their so-called leader, Jesus. And this ranting he calls teaching. He’d better not be trying to undermine my position with the people for his own ends - what ever they are. [More genuine concern, keeping his voice down as if it’s a secret] I’ve also heard that he’s coming to Jerusalem for Passover, along with a bunch of those red necks from up north. I’m just worried there’ll be a commotion among the peasants that will upset the Romans. And that wouldn’t be good for any of us. [Sits][The group socialises]
Guide: Jesus is returning to Jerusalem at a time when his reputation as a great teacher is growing. Many are hoping he’s the Saviour, the deliverer, who will restore Jewish independence and free them from the Roman rule. Everyone’s shouting Hosanna - save us, deliver us, free us - there’s religion, nationalism and politics all brewed together in a volatile mix. Let’s go and join the crowd.
The Entry (Matt 21)
[Disciples and Jesus leave quickly, down hall and double back through church]
[The cast direct the audience down the hall, Led by Mary and Zaccheus. Cast members are sprinkled along the corridor. The crowd forms a narrow crowd for the entry. Rich man and Ex-leper bring up the rear][Guide joins procession]
[CUE MUSIC - TRACK 1]: Blessed is He who comes . As first people reach front, no time for audience sitting around)Cast pick it up, clapping, singing]
Cast members: Quick, he's coming! Look it's him! Heal me! Save us! Down with the Romans! Here comes David! It's the Saviour!
[Jesus and Peter, Andrew, John and Judas enter from deck/lounge and push through the crowd. Not too quickly Zacc sneaks up ladder]
[Cast get the streamers flying, make noise. JESUS moves through crowd , some disciples in front, some behind Disciples are getting a bit full of themselves with the attention. Jesus is friendly, engaging, but is not playing the movie star]
Cast members: [Clapping, cheering. High energy] Heal me! Save us! Down with the Romans! It's the Son of David! It's the Saviour!
Gamaliel: [Shouts, once Jesus has passed through crowd.] Shh Quiet. What do you think you’re doing! If the Romans get wind of this, there’ll be trouble.
[Singing stops but cast keep up a hubbub while audience find their seat right up until Guides start.
[Cast members lead audience to follow Jesus down hall into Foyer., where they stand and sit. Rich man and ex-leper bring up the rear. Guide takes up position]
Scene 2. Teachings
[Setting: In the foyer, in the round. Audience seated ion steps on chaors. Actin takes place in the centre]
Scene 3. The Last Supper (Luke 22)
[Setting: Colonnade side room. 100 tea-lights on stain glass window ledges. Jesus and 5 disciples seated in classic last supper scene, 8 large candles on table providing only light]
Scene 4. In the garden (Luke 22:39)
[Setting: Outside in garden. Fire lit in old rubbish bin. Blue lighting.]
Scene 5. At the house of High Priest (Luke 22:54, Mark 14)
[Setting: Outside in garden, focus on covered walkway. Cast amongst audience for “shouting” accusations at Jesus]
Scene 6. Before Pilate (Luke 22-23)
[Setting: In front of Chapel. Office/War room feel. Breakfast meeting. Lots of action, hangers on, lap tops etc. Jack is nearest the door][Stage right][\
Pilate enters, and they all come to attention - he is the centre of the activity.
[The thugs and Jesus enter at right. Jesus is roughly handled.]
[Knock at door. HP#2 enters, brushes aside Jack who wants to intercept him. HP2 goes straight to Pilate, and whispers in his ear.]
Pilate: (everyone out of the pool tone) OK, the religious delegation is here with their latest whipping boy. Fairly typical for Festival time, I think. Now, they like to think they’re important, so best behaviour please.
[There is a general groaning and reluctance. Lots of tidying and shuffling paper, doing up ties]
[The delegation enters: ST#1, ST#2, CAIAPHAS, JESUS. JESUS is handled roughly by ST#1 and ST#2 - he is thrown to the floor]
Pilate: [Shakes hands warmly with Caiaphas] Caiaphas, friends, Welcome. What have you got for me today?
CAIAPHAS: (calmly) Look, it’s a straightforward crucifixion really, but we’d better deal with it quickly. This person is involved in planning a rebellion. He preaches against paying taxes to Caesar.
Pilate: A view you share, I think?
Caiaphas: I think I’ll refer that comment to my lawyer, if you don’t mind. Now, look. He's stirring up trouble against Rome, AND he claims he's the Messiah - the King of the Jews.
Pilate: [to his team, but audible] You'd better all go and get some coffee. [They file out, stage left, unhappily]
Pilate: [checks they’re out of ear shot - a little irritated] Isn’t this Jesus? [He snatches the papers and reads them] You're laying it on a bit thick, aren't you? This is a petty religious matter, not something political. And as for these court documents - they’re a mess. I know a fix when I see one. [slams the papers back on Caiaphas’ chest]
HP#2: [earnestly, steps forward] You don't understand. This is bigger than that - it's about civil unrest in YOUR patch. He's got to be silenced, and we need your support.
Pilate [to Jesus]: Are you King of the Jews?
JESUS: It is as you say.
Pilate: What about the rest of it?
CAIAPHAS, HP#2, ST#1, ST#2 starts shouting the accusations against him.
Pilate: ENOUGH! You’re in MY office, and there aren’t any of your Jewish brethren around to hear your ceremonial bleating. [To Jesus] Well?
[Jesus shrugs his shoulders. Pilate looks at the CPs disdainfully.]
Pilate: [to HPs, dismissive] Get lost. This is a set up. Seems harmless enough to me.
CAIAPHAS: [getting nasty] If that’s what you think, you’d better think again. He's causing trouble all over town. He's dangerous all right - dangerous to law and order. [Pauses to think] Come to think of it, it could look as if you are not in control - not a good report for a governor of your age if - somehow - word got back to Rome. [Strikes a chord with Pilate]
Pilate: OK, OK. {Pauses to think] I can deal with this. I'll take it to the Feds and see what they say.
[Pilate moves to be alone. Rest of stage in darkness. Rings mobile]
Pilate: PM, please. [pause] Pilate. [pause] Yes, its early, and yes its VERY urgent. [pause] What? How long does this walk take? Well, thanks for nothing!! [hangs up] Cheeky head office apparatchiks. They have no idea what it’s like out here in the remote zones.
[to himself] Great! Now I’m stuck with dealing with this mess on my own. What else can go wrong?!
[Pilate grabs Jesus out of the shadows.]
Pilate: I can sort this out if you play you cards right - I have the power to crucify you, or to release you -but you’ve got to start denying a few things.
Jesus: You have no power that has not been given to you from above.
Pilate: [Pilate is getting agitated] What’s this from above? From above? Who are you? I can do without this mess right now. [Pause]
Have it your way.
Pilate: [Returns to Caiaphas. Thoughtfully at first] Actually, here's how itI’'s going to be. It's time for our annual special pardon to keep you locals happy. OK, then I choose to pardon Jesus.
HPs protest together.
Caiaphas: Don’t be a fool, that won’t solve your problem. He has to go down. Law and order.
HP#2: The people won't wear it.
Pilate: [aggressively] The people won’t what?!
HP#2: [tentatively] They . . . . won’ t . . . wear . . .it
Pilate: We’ll see about that!
[Yells] Tony, in here! [Tony arrives quickly, ready for action]
[Slowly, deliberately] Check the on-line opinion survey. Who gets the vote for the special pardon?
Tony: [at the laptop] Actually, Barabas by a mile. Hardly any votes for Jesus or anyone else.
Pilate [to HPs] You've rigged this. [Caiaphas and HP2 exchange “innocent” looks]
HP#2: Let us have him!! Sign the papers!!
Tony: Trending further away from JESUS. It's nasty.
Pilate: Don’t you want me to release your King?
Caiaphas: We have no King but Caesar. [Tony coughs in disbelief. They throw her a quick glance. She cowers] And if YOU don’t do something about this man, YOU are no friend of Caesar.
[Pilate knows it is lost. He slumps.]
Pilate: [to Jesus] This is your last chance.
[Jesus is silent]
CAIAPHAS: Just sign the death warrant and your problem will be solved.
Pilate [To HP#2]: Give it to me. [HP#2 hands over 2 documents. Pilate signs them both, and hands them back]
Caiaphas: Thank you - at last!
[Caiaphas and Pilate exchange disdainful looks]
[Jesus is dragged off stage left. Towards outside front]
Pilate: Don’t you EVER try to pin the blame for this on ME! [They exchange looks. Caiaphas taps the signed paper with his pen ]
[Pilate’s mood continues to darken. He has lost height and bravado. He is talking to himself]
Pilate: He’d get me to crucify his own grandmother if it suited him. [wipes face with hands firmly] What a mess - Jesus is done for and I'm in deep trouble. [Fear in his voice]
Well, I've survived so far [mood lightens], so let's get organised.
[Paces, thinking]
Pilate: OK, this might just work. Let’s see what they make of it. [To Tony - all bravado and warrior from now on] Get them in here!
[They burst in.]
All: What happened?
Where's Jesus?
You haven't?
Pilate: Shhh. OK, this is how it is. Jesus will be crucified later today. (Shaking of heads). This is not ideal, but, it’s the best I could do in the circumstances. . Obviously, we need to make this look good, so a little spin-doctoring is required. So here's the plan.
Tony, opinion polls?
Tony: [looking at laptop] You're approval rating’s up three points, steady for last three hours.
Pilate: Good. Kate, let’s bring the announcement of the 100 extra train drivers forward - to tomorrow.
[They are looking at each other as if he has lost it.]
Pilate: Jack, tell me about this Barabas.
Jack: Your wife’s been on the phone, by the way. [Hands Pilate a piece of paper. Pilate reads it and looks worried. Jams it in his pocket] Let’s see. Barabas. Nasty piece of work. Robbery, kidnap, GBH, murder. Current charges pending relate to some children who got killed during an anti-Roman riot he started. Allegedly.
Pilate: Good grief. Has the last charge stuck yet?
Jack: No, the committal hearing was going to be next week.
Pilate: OK, good. Call the attorney general, get the files shredded, let’s remove all evidence - make it disappear.
Mike [indignant]: Hang on, you can't do that!!
Pilate: [to Mike, slowly with emphasis] That’s right, you're new here, aren't you? Don’t worry, you’ll catch on soon.
[To Kate] Kate, how about some nice TV this week, make Barabas look like a good citizen, a good choice for the pardon?
Kate: [referring to a file]. We’ll get you on with the train driver thing. And we should be able get Barabas a spot on Celebrity something - they do owe us one.
Pilate: Good idea. Maybe his backyard needs a clean up - Barabas’ Backyard Blitz - know what I’m saying? [Kate nods] He’ll be a popular choice. [thinks] Can he sing?
Jack: [rifling through file] Ummm
[Tony thinks he’s lost it]
Pilate: Never mind.
Kate: [earnestly] Talk back radio?
Pilate: [thinks] I don’t think we’re that desperate - it’s too expensive, in any case.
Jack: Do you want to raise Jesus’ negative profile? It can be arranged....
Pilate: No - no need. Those slimy religious leaders have done a perfectly good job in that regard. There’ll be a travel warning out for Nazareth because it was his home town out by Monday morning.
Tony [interrupts] Word’s out about Jesus. So far, your approval rating's up one and a half points.
Pilate: AND?
Tony: Hard to tell - looks unstable.
Pilate: OK, leave me voice mails on the hour for the next 24.
(To all). That it?
[All leave, scattering in different directions, carrying laptops, dialling mobiles. Pilate is alone, and the bravado leaves him again.]
Pilate: [to self - looking upwards, imagining] If this doesn’t work, we could have a religious riot on our hands within hours. Any trouble and I’ll be in the firing line. Again. If I get the blame . . . . I just don’t need this . .
[Pilate wonders off stage]
[The Thugs re-emerge from street side and drag and bash Jesus through the crowd, down hall to Lounge]
Pause in silence
Guide: Jesus is taken away and beaten. They make plans for the crucifixion. They never do this in the town, but out by a road - so everyone passing can see the spectacle. The death posts are a permanent fixture in public places, as an incentive to public morality.
Nicodemus: They’ve taken him! They’re killing him!!
Mary B: [stands, breathless, excited] It’s Golgotha - They’ve taken him to Golgotha. Quickly, this way!
[Transition: Cast members lead through to the church, via hall and through Skylight room]
Scene 7. Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension
[Setting: Large auditorium. Seats arranged with a group of centre seats, a round aisle, and two rows of seats. 35mm slide image of Jesus projected larger than life-size on cross is only lighting]